Management team and board members
The Board of Directors manages the Academia Raetica and has the following duties in particular:
provide strategic leadership to the association
execute the resolutions of the General Assembly
decide on the admission and exclusion of members of the association
deal with suggestions, applications and complaints from the members of the association, the members of the Board of Directors and the office
prepare the general meeting
approve the annual program and the budget
pass resolutions on the rules of procedure, regulations and contracts, such as performance agreements and employment
elect the managing director as well as the members of the Program Committee
appoint and dismiss task forces
The Academia Raetica, along with its members, established the Ethics Commission for Research and Development in Graubünden (EKFE-GR) in 2023. Its purpose is to assess the ethical legitimacy of research projects in fields such as economics, education, data management, robotics, etc., for researchers from Graubünden.
The Program Committee is composed of doctoral students, postdocs and scientists who represent specifically the needs of younger researchers. The Program Committee meets twice a year and discusses in particular the topics of support, networking and transferable skills training of young scientists.