SR Stefan Engler

President of the Ethics Commission for Research and Development in Graubünden

Stefan Engler is a lawyer and politician. Since 2011, Engler has represented the canton of Graubünden in the Council of States, advocating for the interests of the Graubünden population and our country. Additionally, he has been involved in strategic committees for various energy and transportation companies as well as non-profit organizations.

Engler studied law at the University of Bern and obtained the Graubünden attorney's license. Between 1999 and 2010, he served as a member of the government of the canton of Graubünden, leading the Department of Construction, Transport, and Forestry. In 2003 and 2008, he served as President of the Government.

Outside of politics, Engler finds relaxation and joy in his hobbies. These include the Graubünden high hunt, the Rhaetian Railway (RhB), as well as attending cultural and sporting events. He is also an avid reader and always interested in discovering new things.

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