Awards presented by the Canton of Graubünden

The government of the Canton of Graubünden awards annual prizes to artists and scientists. The awards are primarily intended to encourage younger artists and scientists to pursue and develop their chosen professional path. With the recognition awards, artists and scientists from various fields are recognized and honored for their long-standing work.

The Grisons Culture Prize can be awarded for outstanding cultural and scientific achievements. It is considered the highest award of the Canton of Graubünden in the cultural field and – in contrast to the promotion and recognition awards – is not awarded annually.

The following scientists from member institutions of Academia Raetica have been honored for their outstanding achievements.

2024 Swiss National Park

Angelika Abderhalden-Raba

Angelika Abderhalden aus Zernez ist als Naturwissenschafterin eine beseelte Naturkundlerin. Sie erforscht die Biodiversität und vermittelt deren bedrohte Schönheit gekonnt. Sie ist eine Kennerin der Insekten und weiss, was mit angewandtem Naturschutz zu tun ist, damit Tiere, Landschaften und Menschen in gutem Einvernehmen leben.

2024 Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden

Vincenzo Todisco

Vincenzo Todisco kam als Emigrantenbub nach Graubünden und schuf als Schriftsteller aus seinen Erlebnissen ein eindrückliches Werk.


Claus Fröh­lich

In recognition of his work as an atmospheric physicist and pioneer in the field of satellite-supported research into solar activity and its influence on the Earth's atmospheric environment and climate. As the first director of the Davos World Radiation Centre (1971-1999), he gave the Davos research center an international reputation.


Wal­ter Am­mann

In appreciation of his innovative and internationally recognized projects in the field of risk research and natural hazards, as well as his persistent commitment to strengthening the research hub Davos/Grisons.

2013 Stiftung Frauenkulturachiv Graubünden

Sil­ke Re­dol­fi

In recognition of her achievements as a historian and writer, as well as for her dedicated efforts on behalf of the Graubünden Women's Cultural Archive.

2011 Swiss Institute of Asthma and Allergy Research

Reto Crame­ri

In appreciation of his distinguished and internationally recognized research in the field of allergology.

2010 Institut dal Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun (DRG)

Fe­lix Gi­ger

In recognition of his great achievements as editor-in-chief of the dictionary of the Romansh language (Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun) and his wide-ranging activities in favor of Romansh literature.

2006 Swiss National Park

Brit­ta All­gö­wer

In recognition of her research activities in the natural sciences, including the creation of interdisciplinary networks, and her achievements in setting up the Geographical Information System of the Swiss National Park.

Bündner Kulturpreis
2010 Institut für Kulturforschung Graubünden

Ge­org Jä­ger

In appreciation of his many activities in favour of the identity and culture of the Walser of the Grisons as well as his outstanding achievements for the cultural research of the canton.

2024 Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos und Weltstrahlungszentrum

Krzysztof Barczynski

Krzysztof Barczynski ist ein junger Physiker, der den Forschungsplatz Graubünden weiterbringt und sich weit über sein Wirken als Forscher hinaus engagiert.

2017 Swiss National Park

Pia An­der­wald

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