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HideDr. Noemi Adam-Graf, ikg
After completing her bilingual Matura in German and Italian at the Bündner Kantonsschule, Noemi Adam-Graf studied German and Italian Linguistics and Literature at the University of Zurich (2012-2018). Four years after completing her Master's degree, Noemi Adam-Graf received her PhD from the Institut für Kulturforschung Graubünden and the University of Zurich in March 2022. Currently, Noemi Adam-Graf works as a research assistant (postdoc) at the Institut für Kulturforschung Graubünden.
In her dissertation, Noemi Adam-Graf dealt with the particularly complex linguistic area 'Graubünden'. She investigated the question of how linguistic diversity is perceived and evaluated by non-linguistically trained people and was able to show that linguistic diversity in the canton is definitely perceived as something positive.
Multilingualism concerns Noemi Adam-Graf not only in her everyday professional life, but also in her private life. She grew up speaking German, learned Italian at school and speaks Rhaeto-Romanic with her husband and children.
In recent years, Noemi Adam-Graf has been able to gain valuable experience in both the academic and pedagogical-didactic fields: Among others, as a teacher of Italian at the Bündner Kantonsschule, as a tutor at the University of Zurich, as an exam expert at the Gewerbliche Berufsschule Chur or as a co-organizer of the "20th Workshop on Alemannic Dialectology (Alemann:innentagung)" in September 2022.
From the collaboration with Valeria Manna, whom Noemi Adam-Graf met in the program committee, the idea for the organization of a PhD colloquium was born. Since September 2019, the colloquium "Regional Research in Graubünden" has been held regularly. A small group meets every one to two months for a moderated exchange.
Noemi Adam-Graf is also a board member of the association "LinguisticA" (, a professional network for female linguists. Together, they aim to promote transparency, mutual support and cohesion where competition or intransparency impede professional action and careers.

Photo credit: Daniela Heinen