Public transport and tickets

On the website of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), you find all timetables for local, regional, and national travel by bus, tram, or train. In Graubünden, the Rhaetian Railway (Rhätische Bahn, RhB) operates the regional trains. Please note that some trains stop at smaller stations only on request. You need to push a button on the information board at the train station or on the train. Depending on how often you use public transport, it is worth buying a half-fare subscription (“Halbtax”, nationwide discount of up to 50 percent), Büga (general subscription for Graubünden) or a GA travel card (unlimited travel nationwide) from SBB.

Important: If you want to bring a dog or bike on the train, you will have to buy an extra ticket.

Savings potential: You can bring your bike on the train free of charge, if you carry it in a bike case or bike bag. Dogs can ride the train free of charge, if their shoulder height does not exceed 30 cm and if they stay in a bag or small cage.

Copyright: Daniela Heinen

Public transport and tickets

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