Copyright: Gehirn- und Traumstiftung Graubünden

Brain- and Trauma Foundation Graubünden/Switzerland

PhD students

The Brain and Trauma Foundation Graubünden (GTSG) uses EEG and evoked potentials (ERP, event related potentials) to research brain activity, especially in patients with attention/hyperactivity disorders.

The primary goal of the foundation is application-oriented research that directly benefits people.
The foundation exists since 2006, it is presided by Dr. iur. Giusep Nay. The foundation board is composed of experts from Switzerland and surrounding countries.

A reference database with data from healthy individuals, established by the Brain and Trauma Foundation Graubünden, is of great importance for research. It is now used by around 250 institutions worldwide. The method is particularly well suited for mapping functional information processing.

Gehirn- und Traumastiftung Graubünden/Schweiz
Poststrasse 22
7000 Chur

Phone +41 81 250 76 11