Child care
Young children up to five years can attend the day-care centers and nurseries in Davos. The childcare services incur a fee based on your income.
Child care options in Davos:
Kinderkrippe Mandala (Spital Davos), Davos Platz
Chinderchrattä (Kinderkrippe), Davos Dorf
Kinderkrippe Glückspilz (Hochgebirgsklinik Davos), Davos Wolfgang
You will find more information on childcare facilities in Chur and other places in Graubünden on the website “Fachstelle Kinderbetreuung Graubünden” or The Volksschule Davos offers holiday care for kindergarten children and primary school students. The children’s parents are informed about the offer by a letter from the school.