"Graubünden forscht 2024" – Discover the diversity of research!

The Academia Raetica is the association for science, research, and education in Graubünden and its surroundings. On November 8 and 9, 2024, it’s time again for "Graubünden forscht" – for the ninth time, we invite you to the Congress Center in Davos (Aspen Hall, Main Entrance "Promenade")!

This conference showcases the diverse research areas represented in Graubünden. Young researchers from our member and partner institutions, as well as from invited institutions across the Alpine region, will present their research projects.

The session 8 and 10 on Saturday will be conducted in German, while all other presentations will be in English.

The best part? "Graubünden forscht" is open to everyone! Interested visitors can easily register here: Graubünden Forscht - Registration.

Science Noon

On Saturday, November 9, 2024, from 11:45 AM to 2:00 PM, the "Science Noon" will take place in Foyer C2 of the Congress Center in Davos. Here, researchers will present their current projects in an exhibition format. The public is warmly invited to experience the exciting research happening in the canton and to get a glimpse of the diverse topics being explored.

Participating institutions include:

  • AO Research Institute


  • CSEM Landquart

  • University of Applied Sciences of Graubünden

  • High Mountain Clinic Davos AG

  • Institute for Cultural Research Graubünden

  • Pedagogical University of Graubünden

  • Physical Meteorological Observatory Davos/World Radiation Center

  • Psychiatric Services Graubünden

  • Swiss Institute for Allergy and Asthma Research

  • Davos Hospital AG

  • SUPSI Landquart Rehabilitation and Exercise Science Laboratory (RES Lab)

  • Theological University of Chur

  • UNESCO World Heritage Tektonikarena Sardona

Join us and get inspired by the research "made in Graubünden"!

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