Awards for Krzysztof Barczynski and Vincenzo Todisco

Dr. Krzysztof Barczynski from the Physical-Meteorological Observatory Davos has been awarded a grant of 20,000 francs by the Canton of Graubünden.

Krzysztof has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich and the Physical-Meteorological Observatory Davos/World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) in Davos since January 2020.

He received his BSc and MSc in Astronomy from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. He then joined the International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen, Germany, where he defended his doctoral thesis in 2017. Following this, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Sorbonne University in Paris and the Paris Observatory in France.

His work with the Solar Physics Group at PMOD/WRC and ETH Zurich focuses on the relationship between the dynamics of solar atmospheric structures and the formation of the solar wind.

Outside of work, he enjoys walking, cycling, photography, traveling by train, and spending time in nature.


For his literary achievements to date, the government of the Canton of Graubünden has awarded Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Todisco this year's Recognition Award. "Vincenzo Todisco came to Graubünden as an immigrant child and created an impressive body of work from his experiences," stated the jury. Vincenzo Todisco has written several novels in Italian and German. His latest novel, "Das Eidechsenkind" (The Lizard Child), was nominated for the Swiss Book Prize in 2018. Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Todisco is the head of the Special Professorship for Integrated Multilingualism Didactics with a focus on Italian and a lecturer at the University of Teacher Education Graubünden.

The award was presented on May 31, 2024, in the Sala da Cultura in Trun as part of the annual awards ceremony of the Canton.

We congratulate both recipients on these exceptional honors.

Bild: Links: Krzysztof Barczynski (hinter dem Rednerpult) anlässlich der Preisvergabe am 31. Mai in Trin. Rechts: Vincenzo Todisco

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