Bündner Doktorand:innen-Kolloquium

OK Bündner Doktorand:innen-Kolloquium

This summer, for the first time, the Bündner Doktorand:innen-Kolloquium will take place. Three PhD students from the Grisons are organizing this research exchange on their own initiative. The idea is that all those who live or work in the Grisons and are currently working on their PhD thesis should meet, present their state of work and discuss challenges and goals together. By doing this, everyone gains new perspectives on their own theses.

Already set: date 16.06.2022 (certainly in the afternoon, in case of a big rush also in the morning) and location: FHGR, Medienhaus, Sommeraustrasse 32, Chur. Further information and the final program will be communicated after the registration deadline.

Would you like to present your current research and discuss with other PhD students about their and your work? Register until 15.04.2022: https://forms.gle/s6PgukSqwiaZpRuN8

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Johanna Burger, FHGR - Gizem Yilmaz, FHGR - Claude Bachmann, Theologische Hochschule Chur
OK Bündner Doktorand:innen-Kolloquium

Contact: gr.kolloquium@gmail.com

Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kolloquium
