Stay in Mind! Crafting Memorable Scientific Presentations

Academia Raetica

The course is fully booked, if you want to be on the waiting list, please send an email to

Learn the 6 key-elements of engaging and persuading scientific presentations

Course outline

Effective communication during presentations is essential in academia. Whether you’re giving talks, joining discussions, or using slides and posters, it all affects how people see you and your work. How you present yourself can really make a difference in whether you get a grant, a job, or a chance to collaborate in the future.

In this seminar we elaborate together the critical success factors for impactful speeches in an academic context. You will receive feedback and will train based on that feedback. The course is a great opportunity to prepare for the conference "Graubünden forscht 2024".


The participants expand their action options in presenting of scientific content and reflect their way of public speaking in general and presenting scientific content in particular.


The participants experience and train,

  • how to express orally scientific methodology, processes, results and insights in a clear and adequate simple, systematic, stringent and entertaining way.

  • how to maintain attention and interest of the audience with radical listener centricity.

  • the use of rhetorical and vocal means for scientific speeches.

 The way to reach the objectives and outcomes

Your trainer and coach moderates and initializes...

  • general and individual feedback for each participant.

  • training and personal improvement, based on the feedback-process. 

  • to gently nudge you out of your comfort-zone.

And all that: with a lot of fun and joy in presenting!

  • Optional Online-Kickoff (90 minutes): Thursday, Aug, 15th, 17:30 - 19:00

  • In-person-training, Thursday and Friday, August 29th and 30th, 09:00 – 17:00, Innovation Center Davos, Obere Strasse 22, Davos Platz

  • Optional, 30 minutes individual online coaching in October before conference "Graubünden forscht": This optional add-on can only be booked in conjunction with the two-day course in Davos. It provides an opportunity to individually review and refine a completed presentation for the "Graubünden Research" conference or another event with the course instructor, based on the skills newly acquired or reinforced during the course.

  • Lecturer: Michael Berndonner, speech scientist, rhetoric-trainer and vocal coach

  • Language: English

  • Target audience: PhD students, master students, Postdocs, all interested scientists

Course fee for participants from Academia Raetica member or partner institutions

The course fee includes the optional Online-Kickoff and the 2-day in person training with coffee breaks.
New, reduced price: CHF 120
Package deal, in combination with the course "Filmmaking for scientists": CHF 200

  • Fee for external participants (not working at an Academia Raetica member or partner institution). The course fee includes the optional Online-Kickoff and the 2-day in person training with coffee breaks:
    CHF 300 or CHF 500 in combination with the course "Filmmaking for scientists"

  • Additional fee for optional, 30 minutes individual online coaching (both members and external participants): CHF 65 -> Please select separately in the registration drop down menu.

  • Registration deadline: August 12, 2024

  • Max. number participants: 12 (min. number participants 8)

  • Our terms and conditions

  • Course Coordinator: Daniela Heinen,, phone 081 410 60 84

  • Credit Points: This training offers you an online-kickoff, 16 hours of attendance, some preparation and reflection work and an optional, individual online-coaching-session shortly before the conference. Plea­se check beforehand with your su­per­vi­sor at your uni­ver­si­ty, if the cour­se counts towards ECTS.

Course certificate: You will receive a certificate of attendance, if you attend the entire course.


Image by G. Altmann / Pixabay

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