Filmmaking for scientists

Academia Raetica

Workshop Description

Scientists can benefit from the inspirational, educational, and motivational power of films to communicate their knowledge and expertise to both peer scientists and the general public.

Unfortunately, the technical skills for filming and editing, as well as developing a strong narrative, lie outside our training as academic scientists. In this workshop, participants will learn about camera, audio, lighting equipment, and how to use film editing software, together with how to write, design and carry out the basics of making a documentary. This practice-focused workshop will include filming short documentary films.

Workshop content

  • Camera and lighting (using different professional cameras but also smartphones)

  • Screenwriting and storyboard (using examples from fiction and documentary films)

  • Film editing (using Premiere Pro CC and CapCut)

  • Filming short documentary films

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to prepare their own films, including script & storyboard, camera & lighting and editing.

Pedagogical methods, logistical aspects

The whole workshop will be working together to prepare short films, and the participants will learn all about filmmaking while they prepare these short films. Specialist equipment (including professional cameras, lighting materials, computers and software) will be supplied by the trainer.

About the trainer

Angelone is a filmmaker and scientist. He is the founder of the Global Science Film Festival, and works as a jury-member for prestigious international film festivals. Angelone has directed several fiction and documentary films. He teaches 'Filmmaking for Scientists', 'Storytelling & Storyboarding Science', and 'Video-journalism for Scientists' at different universities, research institutes and film festivals.

Angelone holds two PhDs in Film Studies and Biology.

General information and fee

  • Dates: Wednesday, September 4, 2024 and Friday, September 20, from ca. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • Location: Innovation Center Davos, Obere Strasse 22, 7270 Davos Platz

  • Lecturer: Dr. Samer Angelone

  • Language: English

  • Target audience: All scientists

  • Course fee for participants from Academia Raetica member or partner institutions. The course fee includes coffee breaks.

  • New, reduced course fee: CHF120

  • Free participation for scientists who give a talk at "Graubünden forscht 2024". (100 CHF penalty fee for cancelations after August 25!)

  • Fee for external participants (not working at an Academia Raetica member or partner institution). The course fee includes coffee breaks.

    • CHF 300

  • Max. number participants: 12 (min. number participants 8)

  • Our terms and conditions

  • Course Coordinator: Daniela Heinen,, phone 081 410 60 84

  • Credit points: The workload in­clu­ding pre­pa­ra­ti­on and ho­me­work will be ca. 16 hours for attendance of the workshop and ca. 8 hours for producing your film.

One spot left, please send an email to, if you are interested.

Image by G. Altmann / Pixabay

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