AI-powered search and discovery tools for publications and research

Academia Raetica

The online workshop on AI-Powered Search and Discovery Tools for Publications and Research Data is designed for researchers looking to optimise their research processes. It provides hands-on insights into modern AI-driven search technologies that facilitate the efficient discovery, analysis, and management of relevant scientific publications and datasets.

With increasing demands for transparent and reproducible research, as well as evolving data protection regulations, it is essential to use these tools consciously and responsibly. Additionally, research funders such as the SNSF and the EU increasingly require comprehensive documentation and management of research data, which can be significantly supported by the targeted use of discovery tools. Finally, knowing how to use AI tools for research in a smart, intentional and responsible way is an essential transferable skill that is in demand for both academic and industry staff.


By the end of the workshop, participants will have:

  • Developed an understanding of how AI-powered search and discovery tools work

  • Learned efficient strategies for integrating these tools into their research workflow

  • Gained the ability to quickly identify relevant scientific publications and datasets

  • Developed a critical perspective on the limitations and challenges of AI-powered search


  • Introduction to AI-powered search technologies: How do they work?

  • Overview of relevant tools (e.g., Semantic Scholar, Elicit, Perplexity, ChatGPT, Google Dataset Search, etc.)

  • Practical application: Effective search strategies for publications and research data

  • Evaluating AI search results: Ethics, bias, transparency, and quality assurance


  • Interactive presentation with live demonstrations of various AI-powered search tools

  • Hands-on exercises with specific research tasks

  • Group work to analyse and discuss search results

  • Reflection on ethical and methodological challenges of using AI search technologies

  • Q&A session for individual questions and use cases

Course Materials: Will be made available digitally after the workshop under the CC-BY-NC-SA license


Dr. Aude Bax de Keating ( Founder of Invest In Your Talents, her field of expertise lies in the subtle art of building bridges between developing talents, enhancing team performance and strengthening employees' engagement while using AI in a responsible way. Thanks to her international experience working abroad as a co-director, manager and executive and team coach and trainer for the last 20 years, she knows from the inside how impactful talent and leadership development can be for you, your organisation and your teams. This is why Dr. Aude Bax de Keating is offering tailored on site and online services, strategies and solutions to develop your talents, teams and performance. Firm believer in lifelong education, Dr. Aude Bax de Keating holds a Master and a PhD from Duke University (US) and an EMCC Certification in Executive Coach from the Institut De Coaching (IDC). Active member of the Career Women's Forum (CWF), she is also a Certified Professional Coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) in Switzerland and a board member of Philea in Geneva.

Dr. Ana Petrus, scivia GmbH ( Founder of scivia LLC, a consultancy specialising in research data management and digital sustainability, and adjunct lecturer in Data Management at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR). She has built her career at the intersection of higher education, international projects, and cutting-edge challenges in the digital era. With 20 years of expertise in academia and multinational collaborations with both governmental and non-governmental organisations, her work focuses on research data management in STEM and interdisciplinary fields, as well as FAIR principles, open science, and digital sustainability. Dr. Petrus holds a PhD and teaching certificate from ETH Zurich, along with project management certifications from IPMA and the University of Oxford. She serves on the scientific advisory board of the data management portal and is a member of the research data management working group of LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries.

General information and fee

  • Date: Friday, November 7, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

  • Online via Zoom (Participants will receive link per email)

  • Lecturer: Dr. Aude Bax de Keating and Dr. Ana Petrus

  • Language: English

  • Target audience: Researchers at all career levels from member and partner institutions of Academia Raetica

  • Course fee for participants from Academia Raetica member or partner institutions: CHF 50.

  • External participants (not working at an Academia Raetica member or partner institution): CHF 80

  • Registration deadline: October 20, 2025

  • Max. number participants: 12 (min. number participants 8)

  • Cancellation policy: We ex­pect you to be pre­sent for the full du­ra­ti­on of the cour­se. Please see our Terms of Participation for details.

  • Course Coordinator: Daniela Heinen,, phone 081 410 60 84

  • WORKLOAD: 4 hours

Plea­se check beforehand with your su­per­vi­sor at your uni­ver­si­ty, if the cour­se counts towards ECTS.

  • Course certificate: You will receive a certificate of attendance.


Image by G. Altmann / Pixabay

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