Become your own time manager

Academia Raetica

Time management is about managing our professional and private tasks to meet deadlines, deliver results and to create impact without losing the focus for individual aims and visions. To develop time management skills in a scientific environment inherits special challenges, since research is fundamentally exploratory, and often unpredictable. This interactive workshop will provide common time management techniques to manage both, professional and private tasks with a specific focus on the scientific setting. Participants will learn how to set priorities, plan a week, design the day, and reflect individual habits and preferences. 10 days before the workshop participants are asked to fill an online survey and send feedback about their expectation in the training. This information will provide the base of the workshop set-up, the selection of topics and exercises. Participants will receive feedback before the training.


Participants who complete this comprehensive workshop know keys to time management, how to plan tasks and how to design the day.

Keys to time management

  • Define aims

  • Identify essentials

Plan your tasks

  • Performance curve

  • Daily / weekly plan

Design your day

  • Say no!

  • From stress to flow


  • Concept of tiny steps to success

General information and fee

  • Date: Monday, March 18, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

  • Location: PMOD/WRC, Davos, Dorfstrasse 33, Davos Dorf – Meeting room (top floor)

  • Lecturer: Dr. Michael Bründl

  • Language: English

  • Target audience: All scientists.

  • Course fee for participants from Academia Raetica member or partner institutions: CHF 50. The course fee includes coffee breaks.

  • ATTENTION: If you also participate in the Project Management course (March 15, all day, and March 18, morning), you get a package deal for CHF 180 for both courses.

  • External participants (not working at an Academia Raetica member or partner institution): CHF 80, CHF 350 package deal.

  • Registration deadline: March 14, 2024

  • Max. number participants: 12 (min. number participants 8)

  • Cancellation policy: We ex­pect you to be pre­sent for the full du­ra­ti­on of the cour­se. Please see our Terms of Participation for details.

  • Course Coordinator: Daniela Heinen,, phone 081 410 60 84

  • Credit points: The workload will be four hours.

Plea­se check beforehand with your su­per­vi­sor at your uni­ver­si­ty, if the cour­se counts towards ECTS.

  • Course certificate: You will receive a certificate of attendance, if you attend the entire course.

Image by G. Altmann / Pixabay

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