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Ausblenden9 Visualizing science
Academia Raetica
General information and fee
Dates: Thurday, September 28, and Friday, September 29, 2023
Time: both days from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Location: SLF, Flüelastrasse 11, Davos Dorf
Language: English
Lecturer: Dr. Helena Jambor / Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation, Karlsruhe, Germany
Target audience: PhD students and Postdocs, all scientists
Course fee for participants from Academia Raetica member or partner institutions: CHF 180
External participants (not working at an Academia Raetica member or partner institution): CHF 350
Registration deadline: August 20, 2023
Max. number participants: 12 (min. number participants 8)
Course Coordinator: Daniela Heinen,, phone 081 410 60 84
Credit points: This training requires 16 hours of attendance. Please check with your supervisor at your university, if the course counts towards ECTS.
Course certificate: You will receive a certificate of attendance, if you attend the entire course.
About the course
Clear and appealing visualizations of data and information are an excellent way to make science accessible to a wider audience. Illustrations are also an important component within the sciences - such as infographics for posters, talks or publications.
In the seminar "Visualizing Science" we teach basic design principles and methods to present research results in an accessible and engaging way. Interactive teaching elements alternate with compact content inputs, practical exercises and question-and-answer sessions. Based on their own research topic, participants will develop the sketch of an infographic.
The focus of the seminar is on communication with target groups beyond academia. The visualization of research data for scientific publications is not part of the seminar. The seminar does not involve specific software training.
Main topics
Properties and effects of good visualization
Finding your own topic and developing image ideas for it
Structure and design of an infographic
Basic knowledge of visual design
Roadmap from a basic sketch to the finished visualization
Tools, tips and tricks for creating infographics
Paper, presentation, poster: differences in goal and visual language
The nomenclature of styles for scientific illustrations
About the lecturer*
Dr. Helena Jambor is a molecular biologist trained in Berlin and Cambridge/UK with a passion for information design. After her PhD at EMBL in Heidelberg, she worked with genome-wide data at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics in Dresden. As a fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, Helena explored biomedical data visualization and today, as a scientist at the University Hospital Dresden, she combines her expertise in big data analysis with her interest in data visualization. She is a lecturer in data visualization and since 2019 a lecturer in bioinformatics at Berlin University of Applied Sciences. She tweets and blogs about data visualization under @helenajambor.
*Source: translated from, accessed on January 19, 2023

Image by G. Altmann / Pixabay