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Ausblenden03-21 Scientific writing
Academia Raetica
The NaWik online seminar on scientific writing and publishing is an interactive seminar. Publishing research results is an essential part of a scientist´s tasks. Publications are essential for scientific advancement, one's own reputation and for the allocation of research funds. A structured approach to writing manuscripts and a good writing style directly contribute to increasing the efficiency of publishing and ultimately to achieving greater scientific success.
This virtual seminar provides an overview of the stages of scientific publishing. You will learn to plan manuscripts and structure the writing process. You will receive important tips on how to improve your own writing style. You will learn how editors think, how best to communicate with publishers, and how to increase the reach of your own publications.
Planning and structuring the publication process
Tips and tricks for efficient manuscript preparation
Writing texts like the pros
The publication process and peer review
Increasing the reach of your own publication
The seminar is offered with the video conferencing software “Zoom”. If exercises are included in the seminar context, they will be done as Google Office solutions (e.g. google docs or google forms). These applications are used as part of the GDPR-compliant enterprise solution Google G-Suite. Participants do not need their own Google account for this. To participate in the interactive seminar, participants need a working microphone and camera on their PC/notebook. It is necessary that participants turn on the camera and microphone during the seminar. All applications used (Zoom & G Suite) have been checked for data protection and meet the requirements of the DSGVO, so that the personal data of the participants is protected.
Format and language: Online / English
Lecturers: Dr. Jens Foell & Dr. Janosch Klebensberger/ Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation nawik, Karlsruhe
Date and times: June 21, 23, and 25, (Mon, Wed, Fri) all days 9.00 AM to 12.30 PM
The workshop is open to PhD students, Postdocs and other researchers.
Course fee: CHF 120
Max. 12 participants
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Image by G. Altmann / Pixabay